List of Festivals of Bodo Tribe : Bwisagu, Kherai, Domashi..

Blog Excerpt: Festivals of Bodo tribe - Boisagu, Bathow Puja, Domashi, Khati Fwrbw, Kherai and Garsha; along with detailed ritual
Festivals of Bodo Tribe
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The Bodo-Kachari tribe, one of the earliest known inhabitants of the Assam valley, holds a significant place among the indigenous communities of the region. The terms ‘Bodo,’ ‘Kachari,’ or ‘Bodo-Kachari’ are used interchangeably to refer to the same tribe. The Bodo-Kachari people are widespread across Assam. While they have their own distinct dialect (Bodo), they are also fluent in Assamese. In this blog, we will explore the various festivals of Bodo tribe, along with the unique customs and rituals that accompany these festivals.

Before we discuss “the festivals of Bodo tribe”, it is to be noted that the Bodo-Kachari people have been known by different names in various parts of Assam. Several other tribes or sub-groups (e.g. Chutia, Dimasa, Hajong, Koch, Mech, Moran, Rabha, Sarania Kachari, Sonowal Kachari, Thengal Kachari) are considered part of the broader Bodo-Kachari ethnic group. As a result, many of the festivals of Bodo tribe are also observed by these sub-groups, though sometimes under different names.

In this blog, however, we will focus specifically on the festivals celebrated solely by the Bodo people, excluding those observed by other sub-groups like Dimasa or Sonowal Kachari.

The festivals of Bodo tribe can be classified into two types: Religious festival and seasonal festival. The main religious festivals observed by the Bodo tribe of Assam are Kherāi,  Garza, Salami, Gwrlwi Borainai and Dwi Sarnai. The seasonal festivals are Bwishagu, Amtishuwa (Ambubachi) and Domashi.

Bwisagu Festival

Bwisagu or Boisagu is the greatest of all social and seasonal festivals of Bodo tribe. ‘Bwisagu’ means start of the new year in Bodo language. It corresponds to the Assamese Bohag Bihu. It is celebrated in the month of Bohag (Mid April) for seven days beginning from the day of Sankranti.

Just like 7 days of Bohag Bihu, Bwisagu is also celebrated for 7 days. The day before Bwisagu has a unique ritual i.e. to eat a special dish made with local herbs and veggies. It is similar to customary feasting on 101 varieties of greens during Bohag Bihu.

The first day of Bwisagu, known as “Makhau” or “Mashau,” is dedicated to cattle, during which cows are bathed in the river. The second day, “Mansi,” is for men and begins with worshiping the gods. On that they every family worships its own Gods like Bura Bathau, Maharaja Devata etc. The third day, “Saima,” honors dogs, followed by the fourth day, “Oma,” for swine. The fifth day, “Dao,” is for household weapons, while the sixth day is dedicated to ducks and birds. The seventh day is reserved for welcoming relatives and friends. But, in recent times, such practices are hardly followed. Bwisagu is limited to Bathow Puja.

festivals of bodo tribe : Bwisagu
Bodo Tribal Girls dancing on the occasion of Bwisagu (source)

During this time, regular household activities are paused and replaced by celebrations filled with joy, feasting, dancing, and singing, all accompanied by traditional musical instruments such as the shifung (bamboo flute), jofa (mini cymbal), thorka (bamboo split), and drums.

Bathou Puja

festivals of bodo tribe : Bathou Puja The second day of the Bihu is dedicated to the worship of Bathou i.e. Burãh Bãthou Mahãrãjã. Bathau Puja is performed in individual houses and in the houses of ‘Deuri’, the village priest. The worship of Bathou is followed by the propitiation of the spirits of the ancestors and those of the relatives recently died. Food and drink are offered in the corner of the courtyard to their names. Special prayers are offered to Bathau to the effect that the New Year that ensues turns to be one of prosperity and happiness. After the rituals of worship are over, the housewife of the village Deuri offered gifts to the assembled guests and the guests in appreciation dance and sing in circle around the Bathou altar for five rounds and shower their blessings on the family of the ‘Douri’ who reciprocate with obeisance.

festivals of bodo tribe : Bathou Puja

The Bodos worship Bathou by planting a Siju tree on the north east direction by making an altar. In the evening they light an earthen lamp in front of the altar. The worship of Bathou has its resemblance with the Assamese Kati Bihu.

Domashi Festival

Domashi is a post harvest festival celebrated in the month of Magh (middle of January). This festival has its resemblance with the Magh Bihu of the Assamese people. Besides various tiffin like chira, laru, pitha etc. and people consume Zou (homemade liquor) to their heart’s content. Like Baisagu, this festival also lasts for seven days. The other similarity is that a mixture of oil, turmeric and charcoal powder is prepared and this is smeared on the cow with the help of a bamboo.

festivals of bodo tribe : Domashi
Bodo Womenfolk preparing snacks on Domashi

A special feature of this festival is that the Bodos construct bhelaghar on the river bank and the cowherds spend the night at bhelaghar amidst much merriment. At dawn, the cowherds set fire to the bhelaghar and taking bath in the river they warm up themselves standing by the side of the burning bhelaghar in wet cloth pray to God requesting for abundant growth of paddy and prosperity of the village.

The Bodo tribe belief that during the Domashi, the souls of the fruit trees wish to visit their counterparts of other families, and during this course it may happen that the tree soul forget to come back to its body. In case that happens, the fruits of such tree lose their tastes and turns tasteless. Therefore, in order to make the souls unable to leave, the trees are tied round by the ropes prepared by twisting straws.

Kherai Festival

The Kherai festival is organised seeking abundant growth of agriculture (mainly paddy) and welfare of the society. This worship is performed at any time of a year. This worship continues for three days. The worship is performed by a priest called Deuri. A deodhani dance was also performed on that occasion. The Kherāi may be classified into following three types:

♦ Songsari Kherāi, arranged at a convenient place of the village for healthy village social life.

♦ Garza Kherāi, arranged at permanent community worshipping place, which is called Garzasali in Bodo.

♦ Bathou Kherāi, arranged by individual family for its well-being.

festivals of bodo tribe : Kherai

The Kherāi is the epicentre of the Bodo music and dance. Almost all popular traditional dances of the Bodos have been originated from Kherāi. Every item of worship in the Kherāi is associated with music and dances. During Kherāi, the Chief God Bwrai Bathou and His eighteen associates are worshiped by sacrificing chicks and one item of prayer dance. Altogether, sixteen items of dances, namely- 1) Bathou Gidingnai, 2) Badali Gelenai, 3) Bwr Bikhonai, 4) Bwr Ajaonai, 5) Dahal Sibnai, 6) Mwshakaori (Dahal-Thungri Sibnai), 7) Gandoula Bwnnai, 8) Gorai Dabrainai, 9) Khwizwma Phonai, 10) Khamao Barkhwnai, 11) Mainao Bwkhangnay/Borainai, 12) Mwsa Gelenai, 13) Mufur arw Mwisw Gelenai, 14) Nao zaonay, 15) Sagolaw Bwnai and 16) Thungri Sibnai, are performed in the Kherai festival.

In the past, there was the system of animal sacrifice in such worship but now this has become extinct.

Garza Festival

Garsha was a peculiar kind of worship which is celebrated to purify oneself and toward off any evil that may occur in a village. There is no definite time for celebrating this worship and in this worship birds and animals are sacrificed in the name of gods and goddesses. The place where Garza is performed is called Garzashali

The festival involves two steps- first, purification of all people and family of the village, and second, worshipping of Gods and Goddesses who are responsible for protecting villagers from misfortunes, such as calamities and diseases.

The key difference between Kherāi and Garza is that the latter is performed without a Doudini. Thus, this festival is smaller to Kherāi in nature. The villagers perform each item of Garza with relish and a festive mood prevails in the Garzashali. Like in Kherāi, a feast with popular dishes is arranged at a convenient place to mark the enjoyment of the villagers due to successful performance of Garza.

Marai Festival

Marai is one of the oldest festivals of bodo tribe. It is also an integral part of the greater Bathow festivals including Garja and Kherai. However,in present days Marai festival has lost its popularity among the Bodos due to the fact that this festival is usually expensive,dangerous and fearsome to a great extent; on the other hand, it is still alive in southern parts of Goalpara,East Kamrup and some parts of Darrang within Assam.

festivals of bodo tribe : marai

The worship is usually perform to please the Goddess Marai for the well beings of families or villages. It is a sacrificial ceremony,in early times human sacrifices were also prevalent in this religious ritual, but recently only a buffalo and traditional items like-a pair of grasshoppers(Arthropod),a pair of catfish(Clarias batrachus),a pair of pegion/cock/hen including grains obtained from harvesting,traditional rice cakes-pita,sitao,laru and betal nut along with betal leaf are sacrificed in this religious ritual.

The best time to perform this festival is during the period of any dark phases of moon in the starting month of Bohag till the end of Sawon. It was performed for well beings of Bodo villages or families who had been encountered by some evil spirits,witchcraft or fearful psychic diseases.The female priest Doudini plays an important part during this worship.

Some Bodos residing towards the eastern Kamrup has the traditional style of worshipping Marai near to the rivers and then allow their sacrificial items to flow along the rivers in the banana leaf or on its stem.

This ceremony usually lasts for 1 to 3 days and traditionally this ritual has the strict restriction for the children to take part in Marai.It was also believed that the individual family who once performed Marai and was unable to perform it next year due to financial or other problems must have to sacrifice at least a pig or a sheep under the guidance of Douri/male priest at the time of waxing moon.

Khati Festival or Mainao Fwrbw

festivals of bodo tribe

It is similar to Kati bihu festival celebrated in all over Assam. Kati Bihu usually falls in mid-October and is celebrated with a solemn tone.


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